The Real ROI of eCommerce for Distributors

Available on-demand

If you use traditional ROI models to determine how much you’ll invest in your website and how you’ll measure its success, you’re going about it all wrong.

Traditional ROI models typically don’t account for results outside of shopping-cart revenue. After all, in B2B, it’s not unusual for a customer to search online, research products on your website – and then call in and talk to their account manager to place the order. Or they may be getting product data from your website to put together bids.

None of that potential revenue is credited to the website in a standard ROI model. The data show that digitally engaged customers buy more than customers that aren’t engaged on your website.

Because of this, distributors need robust shopping and account management capabilities even if shopping-cart revenue is minimal.

Watch this important conversation on-demand. We explore the B2B ecommerce opportunity, and a more inclusive way to think about ROI calculations. We share real examples of how a website supports distributor growth, even when direct shopping-cart revenue makes up a small percentage of the total.

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Jonathan Bein,

Managing Partner

Jonathan Bein, Ph.D. has worked with many distributors to make their marketing a profit center. He has developed and applied analytic approaches for customer segmentation, customer lifecycle management, positioning and messaging, pricing, and channel strategy for distributors.

Prior to Distribution Strategy Group, Bein has successfully led and been part of executive management for software product and services companies in information technology, healthcare, and communications.

Dean Mueller


Dean has more than 30 years experience in sales and marketing, including several senior-level positions in marketing and technology leadership, in both public and private equity organizations. Using market research, Dean has a deep understanding of distributor customer needs.